Thursday, May 19, 2016

May 19 2016

                                                     May 19 2016

       Thinking of the immense evil that is at back of women and girls viewing themselves as objects, their worth and value being dictated by their particular level of attractiveness, of their "usableness",  makes my stomach churn and tears come  to my eyes.

      The devil has no use for truth except to twist and pervert it.         
     Women beg and beg, "Am I enough? Am I enough?" And the devil and the world use this plea for their own purposes: buying and selling, selling and buying, twisting and perverting this cry of the soul into slavery, into pornography and anorexia, women throwing up in bathrooms, King's daughters made in the image of God trying desperately to be told they are finally enough;  and the Father watches his precious daughters crumble into the earth like so many sparrows.   

     The world has nothing for us; nothing. The movies are full of it, the fantasy and desperation of nothingness; magazines with their big, glossy lies and full-page ads of beautiful airbrushed women that still get lied to, still get cheated on, choking in the clutches of relentless, inescapable death. 

     There is no hope for us,  there is no hope for me as a woman except in the life, death and resurrection of Christ.                                                                     He is the only one that can fill our deepest longings, and answer our question with this: You are enough. I am enough. We were chosen by the Creator to reveal his glory, and he lived and died for us: for you and for me.

Adonai. My Lord.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

A P R I L 2 5 2 0 1 6

                                                    April 25 2016

    All day long we've watched the ice as it slowly sinks into the pond.  The darkling water, rippled by the wind is beautiful to see after months of still, quiet ice.
     The lake beyond it is covered in motionless white snow, but the patches of open water grow bigger day by day. The green of spring, both bright and pale, hovers like a green mist over the hills as the baby leaves burst forth, fresh as blossoms.
    Tony cuts down our tallest pine tree- Owl Pine, we called it, since soon after our arrival to this magical place we saw a massive owl, the biggest I've ever seen perched at the very tip. We are sad to see it go, but it was rotten at the core, with a twelve foot gash from the base to the first branches, and it was too dangerous to leave standing. The old birch that had grown up with it,   their branches entwined for so many years, looks lovely and clean now, its dappled white bark shining through the new leaves.

     What a glorious time to draw each new breath, our very breath spelling out His name.

    Thank you Lord for leading me all my life- you are all that has held back evil from me, you alone have stayed my hands. Nothing in this world is like you, but your voice echoes throughout your creation- give me a listening heart, Lord, and eyes that see your glory.