A U T U M N 2020
I love the ocean. The vastness, the ever- changing color, the restless crashing of the waves as countless thousands of gallons of water are weighed and measured upon the sands. The birds skittering on the beach and dipping and wheeling above the waves. A lone whale, cavorting just within view, making us feel like all of creation was made to be enjoyed.
Which it was.
What a heartbreak for the Father to see the things we've done to it, and to ourselves.
While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
While we were yet sinners? I'm still a sinner. All of the heinous and most grievous sins I've committed against both God and man were committed after accepting Christ. How can he have been so gracious, and continue in it? How can he have seen the future of that seven year old girl and yet still welcomed me with open arms? How can he keep taking me back when I hardly feel him before I turn away again? What sort of a God is this... to be so humble?
The moon, a golden glowing apricot moon rises over the dark pines, the wind tossing them back and forth like shadows... and the sea thunders.
The moon, a golden glowing apricot moon rises over the dark pines, the wind tossing them back and forth like shadows... and the sea thunders.
Thus far shall you come, and no farther,
and here shall your proud waves be stayed.
O God, you are my God.
and here shall your proud waves be stayed.
O God, you are my God.